• Match alphabet sounds to words. Focus is on learning consonant sounds.• Learning phonics helps children learn to read and spell.• Knowing & learning the sounds of abc, alphabet and letter combinations teaches kids to decode words as the child reads.• Learning & practicing phonics helps kid know which letters to use as the child reads & writes words.• Kids learn phonics in kindergarten, first grade & second grade. • Kids with dyslexia benefit from phonics instruction even beyond third grade.• Kids learn to associate & match letters of alphabet/abc to the sound of the letter• “Phonics Match Sounds to Words” is an educational & learning game that teaches phonics, building blocks to spelling & reading.• Mastery of phonics ie recognizing alphabet sound & matching the alphabet & abc sound to the letter is necessary for the child to become confident reader.• Mastery of the phonics, abc & alphabet is needed to be able to learn to read.• Teaches kids how to read and become independent reader.